Battleship Peer2Peer

The first p2p iPhone game out there, and it a classic we all know and love!

Vegas Hearts

The card game of hearts, for your iPhone or iPod touch.

Ownersite Mobile

Ownersite is a web-based tool that simplifies the logging and sharing of vehicle maintenance, fuel usage and expenses. It features:
- Track fuel usage and fuel economy details
- Compare fuel economy to EPA estimates and other Ownersite users
- Increase resale value by documenting and sharing vehicle maintenance history and receipts
- Receive recall notifications when they are announced by NHTSA
- Track business and taxable expenses, including detailed trip logs
- Remind your kids at college to get their oil changed
- Ensure that you do not exceed lease mileage allotments
- Upload and store scanned receipts for easy reference
- Enter and review fuel, trip logs and maintenance records on a mobile device


Live Search in more than ten Wikipedias and dictionaries with iPhone and iPod Touch optimized interface.
-Live Search
-access to the ten most complexed Wikipedias and more
-optimized Wikipedia view


Stream music and photos from multiple computers over the web to your iPhone.


Search over 100 million homes in the US. Get estimated home values, bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, Google satellite maps and more. Just enter an address and a Zip Code and tap “Get the Values” to see the results.

Trivia Why’s Daily Quiz

Specifically created for the iPhone and iPod Touch but playable in any modern web browser, Trivia Why’s Daily Quiz keeps you sharp with a few minutes of exercise for the left side of your brain and a touch of wit for the right. Know all the answers? Congratulations, you’re a trivia genius! Not so sharp today? Great, you’ve learned something!

Test yourself in these six general categories:
-Entertainment and Food
-History and Government
-Math and Science
-Geography and Nature
-Literature and Arts
-Sports and Games

Have fun, and remember to return for a new quiz every day!

Golf Driving Range

FORE! MyNuMo brings the classic golf driving range to the iPhone. Play for accuracy and move onto more difficult levels. No need to wait for t-times, just fire up the iPhone and swing away. Golf Driving Range features MyNuMos new “press to play” sports game system that makes iPhone gaming fast and fun.

501 Darts

Cannot get to the pub to play? No worries mate, MyNuMo has bought the classic 501 darts game to the iPhone. Players start with 501 points and throw three darts at a time to get to zero before their opponent beats them to it. 501 Darts features MyNuMos new “press to play” sports game system that makes iPhone gaming fast and fun.


MailCoaster is a fast and easy email application for iPhone and iPod Touch.

- Login to your regular mail account
- Scroll through and read your latest messages
- View attachments
- Compose, forward, or reply to messages
- and more …

MailCoaster works with regular POP/POP3 and IMAP accounts as well as popular Webmail systems from Hotmail, MSN, AOL, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.