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August 4, 2008 - 7:07 pm

iDimLight - a very useful app if you have something downloading in installer and therefore deactivated the autolock feature wich is big and want to check status from time to time on your display or if you do something that takes a while and just want to see how far its gone without draining the battery because of the full backlight.

With this app you can determine a time (in seconds) to tell the phone how long the full backlight should be active when the Phone/Pod receives no action. After this you will have to restart your SpringBoard (the App asks you for that) to make it work.

I Think its also a very useful program when you lookup something somewhere in the net or reading an email or stuff like that and you get unterbrochen by a friend who wants to talk to you, when you forget to push the powerbutton when without dimmed light the battery drains very fast.

the Program has got no developer Url (at least i didn’t find any) and is available through the bigboss repo.


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