
Parking Lot

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August 4, 2008 - 6:58 pm
See how many moves it takes for you to manuveur your yellow beetle out of a congested parking lot. This is a game of concentration and strategy. Each of the cars that block your way can only be moved in the direction they are pointing. This makes for some very tough levels. The game records the number of moves it took for you to clear the lot. Go back again later and see if you can beat your own score. You can also see how you rank against the Minimum Move scores posted on the developer's website. With 80 levels of varying difficulty included in the standard download and level expansion packs available, this is one iPhone game that will keep you busy for a while. This application is available via with Community Sources installed. Screenshots:

See how many moves it takes for you to manuveur your yellow beetle out of a congested parking lot. This is a game of concentration and strategy. Each of the cars that block your way can only be moved in the direction they are pointing. This makes for some very ...

Penguin Panic

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August 4, 2008 - 6:58 pm
This app is a simple “dodge-em” game which utilizes the iPhone’s accelerometer.  The game is played on landscape mode and the penguin moves side to side whether you are tilting the iPhone left or right.  At first the tilting motion is hard to get used to because precision is the key in this game.  However, once you get that down this game becomes very addicting. You play the penguin as you slide across the snowy landscape.  The object of the game is to avoid the falling icicles as long as possible; your score depends on the time you are alive.  There are certain power ups/downs which are represented as snowflakes which fall along with the icicles.  The power ups are the blue flakes which give you 250 points and the green flakes which give you more speed.  The power downs are the red flakes which take away 250 points and the ...

This app is a simple “dodge-em” game which utilizes the iPhone’s accelerometer.  The game is played on landscape mode and the penguin moves side to side whether you are tilting the iPhone left or right.  At first the tilting motion is hard to get used to because precision is the ...

PuzzleManiak 0.99b

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August 4, 2008 - 6:56 pm
I love Sudoku. At my job, I had 2 books of Sudoku that I would work on in my spare time (as well as other puzzles). Why am I telling you this? Do you care? Should you? The answer to all of these is yes! (LOL, couldn't resist). PuzzleManiak, is the puzzle app for the iPhone. Originally a NDS (Nintendo DS) home brew app, which has now found itself on the iPhone. There is no other app that could even compare to this collection. 27, count 'em, 27 games are included. From Mine Sweeper, to Sudoku; if you want something that is seriously difficult, this is the game for you. To be honest, I had never heard of 90% of the games included with this app before. But I thought to give it a try, and after hours upon hours of playing, I had grown to appreciate them. Right now, my ...

I love Sudoku. At my job, I had 2 books of Sudoku that I would work on in my spare time (as well as other puzzles). Why am I telling you this? Do you care? Should you? The answer to all of these is yes! (LOL, couldn't resist). PuzzleManiak, is the ...

Tris 0.6

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August 4, 2008 - 6:55 pm
Ah retro gaming. Tetris, Pong; the list goes on and on. Tris is, you guessed it, a clone of classic Tetris for the iPhone. Clone sounds as if there has been nothing done to it, but in this case, there has. When reviewing a game for the iPhone, one bases a lot upon graphics, difficulty of level/area, and overall quality. However, on the iPhone, user input/playing controls is what is focused upon most heavily. Tris has such a simple, yet innovate approach to playing controls that it's ridiculous (in a good way!). One simply taps anywhere in the area where the shapes are falling to change to orientation of the shape. Better yet, one can even 'pull' the shape down as fast as one wants to by dragging anywhere on the screen. At the same time, the game keeps track of where the shape would be had it not been pulled down, ...

Ah retro gaming. Tetris, Pong; the list goes on and on. Tris is, you guessed it, a clone of classic Tetris for the iPhone. Clone sounds as if there has been nothing done to it, but in this case, there has. When reviewing a game for the iPhone, one bases ...


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August 4, 2008 - 6:54 pm
SpeedRun is a really fun accelerometer based game in which you maneuver a steel ball around different obstacles while trying to collect checkered spheres. Once you have collected all checkered spheres the level is complete. You guide the ball around walls and manuever around holes trying not to fall in them. If you fall in a hole the level starts over from the beginning. If you get the best time for a level your replay gets added to the replays section of the application for that level. You can submit your results online and see other people's results. This application is completely free and really fun. Developer: Repo: Screenshots:

SpeedRun is a really fun accelerometer based game in which you maneuver a steel ball around different obstacles while trying to collect checkered spheres. Once you have collected all checkered spheres the level is complete. You guide the ball around walls and manuever around holes trying not to fall in them. ...


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August 4, 2008 - 6:54 pm
Trism is a new game that takes advantage of the iPhones accelerometer to determine which way little triangles (called trisms) fall. The object of the game is to get trims of the same color in groups of 3 or more. The player is  rewareded for getting higher numbers and chains with special trisms such as a rainbow one that can be paired with any other set or a supertrism that can cause the three surrounding trisms to rotate. Currently trism is just a demo of the application that will be released with the app store. It is very reminiscent of the xbox live game called hexic such as how you receive trisms with a bomb located on them and have a predetermined amount of moves to clear away the bomb trism. It is a very well thought out game that the casual gamer will enjoy and has a nice twist ...

Trism is a new game that takes advantage of the iPhones accelerometer to determine which way little triangles (called trisms) fall. The object of the game is to get trims of the same color in groups of 3 or more. The player is  rewareded for getting higher numbers and chains ...


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August 4, 2008 - 6:53 pm
The Creators of tt-clock, now bring you tt-8ball. It Is very similar to Magic 8 Ball. But in my opinion much easier to use. In magic 8 ball you had to move your iphone side ways, and now all you have to do is tap or shake. There are many different answers that will show up. Its not going to be like yes and no yes and no, all the time. It works for the iPhone and iTouch. When I downloaded it off installer I had no problems, everything was working fine. When you ask your question, and it shows the answer. but Guess what? It Speaks it also! What a good idea if you have bad eyes, Need glasses, etc. This app is available on the Community sources. You will not need to type anything in. You can get tt-8ball of BigBoss ( Screenshots:

The Creators of tt-clock, now bring you tt-8ball. It Is very similar to Magic 8 Ball. But in my opinion much easier to use. In magic 8 ball you had to move your iphone side ways, and now all you have to do is tap or shake. There are many ...


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August 4, 2008 - 6:53 pm
Old habits never die, years ago was the old wild west with the fastest gunmen, know the technology changes but we always want to be the fastest in something, this time NicoTeam HomeWork bring us the old west speed to shoot the targets mixed with a cannibal-jungle theme, now it's time to know how is the fastest finger in the iPhone community. Who will become the Tribal Clint Eastwood? Tribal is a shooter game with very nice interface and extraordinary graphics and visual effects. compatible with all iPhone Firmwares. The objective of this game is to shoot (Tap) the different targets that you will be getting around the levels, (we all played once, that our finger was a gun, now this dream come true), there are two kind of targets, the regular one and the bonus one, the bonus are the star targets and the cannibal masks targets. Avoid to tap the ...

Old habits never die, years ago was the old wild west with the fastest gunmen, know the technology changes but we always want to be the fastest in something, this time NicoTeam HomeWork bring us the old west speed to shoot the targets mixed with a cannibal-jungle theme, now it's ...

TH Touch

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August 4, 2008 - 6:51 pm
Ever since the metoeric rise and eventual win since Chris Moneymaker during the 2003 World Series of Poker, Texas Hold ‘Em has become increasingly more popular. It is no big surprise, then, that users of the iPhone and iPod Touch are clamoring for someone to create a decent Texas Hold ‘Em game that will help them increase their skills, keep themselves occupied when boredom strikes, and, most importantly, is realistic. Well, the makers of Texas Hold ‘Em Touch, or THT, have created such a game. The Low Down: When playing THT you, “Player,” are seated with eight, computer-simulated individuals such as “Michael,” Susan,” and “Richard.” Each person starts off with $1,000 and you can bet in increments of $1, $5, $10, $25, and $100. The game is entirely touch-based: swiping up allows you to raise, to check you double-tap the right side, if you want to fold you swipe down, and you ...

Ever since the metoeric rise and eventual win since Chris Moneymaker during the 2003 World Series of Poker, Texas Hold ‘Em has become increasingly more popular. It is no big surprise, then, that users of the iPhone and iPod Touch are clamoring for someone to create a decent Texas Hold ...


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August 4, 2008 - 6:49 pm
Yeti3D, created by Derek John Evans and brought to us by developer Marco Giorgini, is DOOM for the iPhone/iPod Touch. One of the first 3D game engine applications to make its way to iPhone/iPod Touch platform, Yeti3D provides the user with an idea of the wide range of gaming capabilities these apple devices possess. Upon opening the first-person shooter app, the gamer is provided with 2 viewing options, portrait and landscape mode. This feature satisfies those wide-screen lovers as well as those that prefer a slimed down version of the game. Once you pick your poison, another option filled screen appears. Start New Game, Options, Hi-scores, Credits and a donation tab named, Be Great! are the next 5 choices. The Options menu offers users to choose between accelerometer and VPad game-play. To further user-friendliness and accessibility, the VPad is broken down into a standard cross version and a split screen version, in ...

Yeti3D, created by Derek John Evans and brought to us by developer Marco Giorgini, is DOOM for the iPhone/iPod Touch. One of the first 3D game engine applications to make its way to iPhone/iPod Touch platform, Yeti3D provides the user with an idea of the wide range of gaming capabilities these ...