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August 4, 2008 - 7:11 pm

The ipod, without a doubt, was built as a way to listen to music, but many say its destiny is to make music.  Many 3rd party iphone/ ipod touch apps are appearing that allow the user to play their favorite instruments on the unique touch interface.  All easy ones have been thought of already; there are guitar apps, drum apps, piano apps, but what about a gangsa app? What is a gangsa? A gangsa is a Balinese Xylophone-like instrument composing of tuned metal bars connected to a wood case by string. When a player hits a bar with a mallet, the gangsa produces a resonating tone. Sometimes these bars are muted by the fingers to stop the resonance. Would you have ever known that if not for this app?
Well, besides choosing an original instrument to emulate, this app is fully functional.

Although this gangsa is only outfitted with 5 bars, the app features the ability to mute each bar either momentarily or until otherwise toggled of.  On each side of the bars is the wood of the case, which are also playable. By pressing a small “i” in the corner of the app, the playing areas and mute-toggle areas are outlined and labeled. This very realistic app is a lot of fun, and you can download it from the ModMyiFone installer source ( or the source of the designer, Masayuki Akamatsu ( . To learn more about the Gangsa app or Masayuki Akamatsu’s other programs, visit


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