ContactFlow 0.95

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August 4, 2008 - 7:13 pm

ContactFlow is an awesome utility/toy. It extends the pretty interface of CoverFlow to that of the contacts app. Though this app has made it to version 0.95, it still has a ways to go. There are several bugs. Some graphics need some tidying up. In the end, however, it is usable- and very cool too.
The major bugs are that certain graphics disappear after tapping them, and that there are random crashes (though the crashes happen very seldom). Aside from those issues, the app flows well, as it should since that is the premise. It also supports the accelerometer, changing orientation (only between landscape positions). There are a couple of settings too, such as Displaying all contacts (displays a picture of a silhouette if no picture on file), showing E-Mails, One-Click calling and Display Order.
This app was really hard to give a good rating to. However, it extends one of the coolest features on the iPhone to the Contacts list. After tough deliberation, I gave this app a C+, because it has such great potential if a major update is released.

Dev Site: (email)
Source:     SOSiPhone


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