VLC Media Player, the popular, cross-platform, open-source media player comes to the iPhone as a beta release, courtesy of Zodttd. (http://www.zodttd.com)

The program is in beta at present, accessible to Zodttd’s select group of beta testers. To become a beta tester, simply donate via his site. This will give you access to Zodttd’s betas as they become available. (Definitely a sound investment!)

On other platforms, VLC Media Player provides users with the ability to play virtually any type of media file. While the list of supported codecs for the iPhone will initially be quite small, Zodttd has plans to release even more in the future. Zodttd says:

At the moment it may be limited by only a small handful of decoders, but soon that list will grow! It currently allows you to drag and drop the following popular media formats onto your iPhone/iPod Touch for playback: MPEG / MPG,AVI,MP3.
It also supports some lesser known media formats.

Soon it will play: FLAC,OGG
I am also researching playback of: VCD,DivX,WMA,WMV

VLC has been a favorite media player of mine for a very long time. It’s small, compact, and gentle on system resources. It’s also highly versatile, allowing for the playback of numerous formats and encoding methods. While the iPhone version doesn’t yet support the breadth of formats that its big brother does, it’s safe to say that this is a step in the right direction. I’m confident that of all developers, Zodttd especially will see to it that VLC for iPhone is as capable, useful, and feature packed as its other-OS counterparts.

VLC for iPhone features playback, two playlists, and a recently viewed list. Media Files are added to the device via SSH. The program verifies that media files exist before it runs. The ‘Media’ screen displays a series of easy to use navigation buttons, which allow you to play/pause, or jump to the next/previous video/track. In addition, the settings pane contain an option which allows for randomized playback of music tracks.

This version of the application is far from final, however it offers a glimpse into what its the final version might look like. I for one am duely impressed with the work Zodttd has put into the app so far, and can’t wait to see the final version, tentatively due out in a week or two.

To obtain the beta version of VLC Media Player for iPhone, you must donate to Zodttd using the following link: http://www.zodttd.com/forums/awc_ds.php?do=donation

vlc4iPhone is available from the Zodttd Beta Repo: http://zodttd.com/repo/beta/?up=yourforumusername-yourforumpassword *

* - these details are provided to you after you donate.

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vlc4iPhone Beta 0.5.0