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    Creating iswitcher themes

    From ModMyiFone - Wiki

    How To create iSwitcher Themes


    iSwitcher is a native iPhone application that allows on the fly theme swapping. Themes are stored in folders located in /var/root/Media/Themes. To function properly, there are minimum requirements for all themes as well as optional items. Let start with the basics and the minimum requirements to create a theme for iSwitcher.

    1. First make a folder to hold your new theme. Name it <theme_name>.thm (DO NOT USE A SPACE IN THE NAME). For our example our theme is named cgOEM.thm. This is not an option, it is a requirement that your new theme folder has a .thm on the end.

    2. Now create another folder named EXACTLY the same (as shown). This is the folder we'll use to hold the icons before we zip them. Note: You can make your theme icon folder ANYWHERE you want, it's only temporary to hold our icons until we zip them. I used our work folder as an example.

    In this example the path to this new folder would be ~/Desktop/cgOEM.thm/cgOEM.thm. This is the folder to hold your icons.

    3. Place all the icon .png files into this new folder. For each application that you want to load a new icon for, you must put in a matching .png file. So to replace the phone icon we must have an icon named MobilePhone.png. To load a new icon for XLaunch, we must have an icon named XLaunch.png (if you name it anything else it will not load). The icon name must match the exact case and of course the spelling of the .app application folder. If you are unsure you can use Terminal or Finder on your phone. You can see from the example below, the ONE and only exception to this are the two icons used with MobileSlideShow. Please copy them in as they are named on your phone (icon-Camera.png & icon-Photos.png).

    4. Okay so now you have copied in all your icons into your .thm folder. Now place a copy of your DisplayOrder.plist file. (It's already shown in the above image. This is the first place where iSwitcher will load a DisplayOrder.plist file from. There are two more (see below).

    5. Now let's create our theme zip file. I don't believe you can do this from a Windows PC, we'll have to test it. You also CAN NOT create your theme zip simply by right-clicking the folder and selecting "Create Archive of" in OS X. Because we use the 'ditto' command to install the theme, we also use the 'ditto' command to extract the zip file.

    ditto -c -k cgOEM.thm English version; 'ditto', please create a pkzip archive (-c -k) from cgOEM.thm and name it

    Great news! For Mac OS X users you can download this AWESOME program to simply drag and drop your theme folder and it will create the 'ditto' zip file without any questions. Great app - thanks Organik! Link: Ditto Zip Droplet for iSwitcher Theme Creation

    6. Okay now we have our zip folder holding all our precious icons and DisplayOrder.plist file. Now remove the folder you just made and used to hold you icons. We're done with it. Don't worry, all you have to do is unzip your zip file and you'll get them all back ;-) Just to be clear, in our example the folder we just used to make our ditto zip file is the one we are DELETING. Note: You can obviously just drag this folder somewhere else but you should REMOVE it from your theme folder.

    What else do we need? There are only two other files required to make a working iSwitcher theme;

    7. Info.plist We must have an Info.plist file and it must contain your theme name in both of these areas: CFBundleExecutable and CFBundleIdentifier In our example (shown) it lists cgOEM.thm, please notice that this matches up with our theme folder AND our theme zip file (without the .zip).

    8. The final piece to getting our theme up and running is the preview file. This can be any png image named thm.preview.png placed in your theme folder. Obviously it is recommended to grab a screenshot of your theme and use that. What's that, you don't know how to grab a screenshot? Download Dock v2.06 (or higher), first the program rocks! second it has a screenshot function built-in AND it saves it to your iPhone photo library (very cool).

    That's it, we're done! Here's what your theme folder should look like;

    Wait, what's that "SBDockBG2.png" file doing in there???? That's OPTIONAL but of course if you DON'T include your favorite dock in your theme you'll be stuck with whatever was the last theme you installed and that could look pretty ugly if it was a background theme!

    So, optional files, we already know about the dock image (SBDockBG2.png, named exactly as shown). We can also include a DisplayOrder.plist file. Why? Because this will allow you to keep you theme updated without having to redo the creation of your zip file. So iSwitcher loads the DisplayOrder.plist file from your theme zip file, then from the theme (cgOEM.thm) folder and finally from the ThemeMaster folder located /var/root/Media/ThemeMaster.

    Install and test your theme. Simply copy your theme (cgOEM.thm) to /var/root/Media/Themes

    You'll see all the other themes there too. Please DO NOT remove the 1.thm folder. This is used by iSwitcher and it also holds your original full backup. - - - Dedicated Server Hosting by SingleHop - iPhone Wallpapers - iPhone forums | iPod touch forums, news, themes, apps, games, unlock, jailbreak community - RSS Feeds - Contact Us - Link to us - Archive - Privacy Statement - - Top
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