iPhone Video Recorder

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August 4, 2008 - 7:03 pm

Iphone VideoRecorder by Dream Catcher (http://www.iphonevideorecorder.com/) allows us to take videos with our Iphone. The app is not free if you want full functionality, if you don’t pay the license videos are limited to 30 secs, you can’t change the default signature, and there is a limit to the number of videos you can take while “trying” the app. The license costs us$19.

To install the app, add the following repository for installer:
After refreshing sources, the app will appear under multimedia.
The main screen provides us with the list of taken videos (encoded or not yet encoded), the “capture” button (nice camera button in the middle), and the configuration button.
When we select a video we can watch it, share it (YouTube or e-mail), rename it or delete it. Also, if encoding wasn’t done, we can finish it.
The general configuration screen has 2 options:
1-    A switch for enabling/disable the auto-start encoding option
2-    Enable/disable (and change) the custom signature (only available with the paid license)

The video configuration screen has options for: Video mode, Image quality and brightness. I like using the BEST quality, portrait mode (by selecting portrait mode, you can hold the Iphone in portrait mode while taking videos, and they will be displayed in full screen planescape mode while watching them), and I never touch the brightness option.
The audio Configuration screen offers the Recording volume amplifier (which I like around 5 or 6) and the option for audio bit rate (I like 128kbps)
Taking videos on low light environments is not recommended because quality suffers a lot, and changing light conditions tends to degrade FPS a lot for a few seconds.
Also, keep in mind that, the longer the video, the longer you’ll have to wait for the encoding to finish (fortunately, you can leave encoding for a later time, by pausing it at any time).
All in all, a nice app, but I don’t like the idea of paying for it until firmware 2.0 is final, and the author updates the app for it.


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